Assessment is an important part of planning for children’s ongoing learning. Children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in both subject areas such as language and maths, and within the units of inquiry will be assessed and reported on. Teachers use a broad range of assessment strategies before, during and at the end of a learning cycle to assess how well the children have understood main ideas and how well their skills have developed in each area. Information about learning is gathered through observations of play and conversations with students.

Reporting to Parents
Parents are informed about their child’s learning at Tung Chung Kindergarten in a variety of ways.
Our VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) documents individual children’s’ ongoing learning journey. This is a two way form of communication and parents are invited to comment and respond their thoughts and observations of their child’s’ learning. Parents will receive two written reports throughout the year.

Parents are invited to a variety of conferences throughout the year to discuss and participate in their child’s learning. These include; beginning of the year Hopes, Fears and Expectations, Parent-Teacher, Student-Led/3-Way Conferences and Celebration of Learning days. Should the need arise, from either a parent’s or teacher’s perspective, further meetings are scheduled as required.

TCK Assessment Policy
Please click here to view the document.