

Learner Profile

Learner Profile

Learner Profile




At the heart of our curriculum is the ‘Learner Profile’. This is a long-term, holistic vision of education that underpins our work and puts the child at the centre of everything we do. The Learner Profile is shared between all ESF Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary schools and we aim to develop each attribute in every child.



“I wonder about things and ask questions to learn new things”

Children develop their natural curiosity along with the skills necessary to inquire by testing ideas and building on their experiences with increasing independence. They actively enjoy and sustain a love of learning.



“I learn more about myself and the world around me”
Children explore concepts, ideas and issues that are important and significant to themselves. They develop knowledge and understanding, and make connections across a broad range of disciplines.



“I think for myself and try different ways to solve problems”

Children think for themselves to ask questions, make decisions and are creative when solving problems.



“I share my ideas with others and listen carefully”

Children understand and express ideas and information in a variety of modes of communication. They work willingly in collaboration with others.



“I respect others and try to do the right thing”

Children are honest, fair and show respect to others. They take responsibility for their own actions and are aware of the consequences that accompany them.



“I listen to others and show interest in other people’s ideas”

Children appreciate their own cultures and personal histories. They listen to other points of view and are willing to learn from others.



“I am kind to others and care about the world we live in”

Children show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment.



“I try new things and am willing to have a go”

Children approach new situations with confidence and explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They stand up for what they believe in.



“I take care of myself and enjoy different experiences”

Children understand that to be healthy they need to take care of their physical, mental and emotional well-being by trying a variety of experiences in their daily lives.



“I take time to think about my actions and experiences”

Children think about their experiences, consider their strengths and weaknesses and try to improve their personal characteristics and learning.

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