Medical & Health Matters
At Tung Chung Kindergarten, many of our staff have up-to-date first aid training, and we have nominated Health and Safety/ Child Protection Officers who oversee all health and safety issues.
If your child becomes unwell or is hurt at school, they will be cared for by our first-aiders. We will give appropriate care for illness or accidents and liaise with the child’s family members as soon as possible.
We follow the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection (CHP) Guidelines and meet the Education Bureau's health standards.
To safeguard children's health, parents are kindly requested to take the following measures:
- Do not send children to school if they have a fever. (For the normal body temperature range, please refer to the guidelines pertaining to the means for measuring body temperature HERE.)
- Inform school immediately if children are sick or have been admitted to hospital for surveillance.
- Keep sick children at home until symptoms have improved and the fever has subsided without further medication. Then, take rest for at least 1 more day before returning to school.
- Cooperate with schools by picking up children not feeling well from school and consulting the doctor immediately.
- Before sending children to school, measure their body temperature; record the reading on the temperature record sheet every day.
– Referenced from Centre for Health Protection
We do not administer general medication for children, except for children who have medical conditions such as asthma, eczema and severe allergies (e.g. asthma puffers, Epi-pen…etc.), where we will meet with parents and develop a Medical Action Plan to ensure we are well-prepared to provide the appropriate medical attention when required. These medications must be kept in the classroom. No child should carry, or have any medication in their school bag at any time.
We do all we can to provide a happy, safe and healthy environment for the children. Please help us in this by encouraging concern for others and developing good health practices.