
School Life

Home-School Partnership

Home-School Partnership

Home-School Partnership


At Tung Chung Kindergarten, we have a strong commitment to partnership with our parents. Building a strong home-school partnership is always one of our school priorities.


Parents are invited to parent information and orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year, along with other parent workshops offered throughout the school year. Please refer to our regular newsletter for details of upcoming parent workshops and events.


We also have scheduled private parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s progress. Should the need arise, from either a parent’s or teacher’s perspective, further meetings are scheduled as required. We report against each Unit of Inquiry as well as through regular posts on class blogs and weekly parent eNewsletters. Families can access these through the ESF app.


Parents are also invited to participate in our parent volunteer programme. This is one way we endeavour to work in close partnership with all our families.


Public Photos / Files - Home School Partnership

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