Our vision is for every student to be the best that they can be.
Mission Statement
“Our mission is to inspire creativity and nurture global citizens and leaders of the future. We do this by creating joyful learning environments, led by a community of exceptional teachers, who bring out the best in every child through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.”
At Tung Chung Kindergarten, we aspire to create the conditions for every child to be kind, happy, learning, and engaged. Our students are supported to Wonder, Aspire, and Flourish.
At Tung Chung Kindergarten we are inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach. The approach understands that children are competent, resourceful, curious, imaginative, inventive, and possess a desire to interact and communicate with others. Teachers are seen as reflective, co-constructive practitioners, collaborating and facilitating opportunities that provoke thought, wonder, investigation, and exploration.
The image of the parent and teacher are essential elements of this approach and must also be considered within the environment. The approach advocates for all parents to be accorded deep respect and viewed as partners in their child’s education.
The learning environment as a third teacher is founded in the image of the child, parent, and teacher. It is a welcoming and inviting space for children and families.
We promote a sense of belonging and create an environment that allows children to see that we value and respect them as individuals and as part of the learning community. We organise environments rich in possibilities and provocations inviting the children to play, work with, and alongside others. The spaces are designed and arranged with great attention to detail to ensure that the children are comfortable and aesthetically stimulating.
We provide numerous opportunities for children to research, develop their ideas, and test their theories using their many languages of expression. We allow them time to think and investigate, negotiate with one another, and make choices and reasoned decisions. We create a space where they can solve problems and know their ideas are valued.
Tung Chung Kindergarten Development Plans and School Reports
View the Tung Chung Annual Development Plan
View the Tung Chung Annual Report