
Our Approach

Our Approach

“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul.” (Froebel 1896)

Self Photos / Files - Central features of learning in the early years

Play is essential in the lives of young children for cognitive, social, emotional, physical and brain development. Inquiry in the early years is intimately connected with the development of children’s understanding of the world. It acknowledges children’s competencies to explore, discover and interact with the physical and social world around them. Through play, children become increasingly skilled at being group members, initiating and working through projects, asking questions, and exploring possible worlds through imagination. Over time, children define, construct, and negotiate meaning and identity as learning community members. (IBO Early Years in the PYP – Educators Perspectives)


Children at Tung Chung Kindergarten develop their understanding of concepts, skills, attitudes, and knowledge through play-based inquiry. The children play in a carefully planned and prepared environment throughout the day. Our environment fosters curiosity and promotes discovery by making learning relevant to the “real world” and challenging for each student.  For more information about how inquiry and play connect within an early years education please refer to the IB document ‘Inquiry through Play’.


We start from children’s prior knowledge and build on each student’s strengths, experiences, and cultural and linguistic background to support learning. We encourage children to become independent learners and critical and creative thinkers who are empowered to take action. Our practices provide valuable play experiences that promote meaningful and respectful relationships between the child, family, teacher, and environment through careful observation, thought-provoking exchanges, and mindful documentation.


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