circle time



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I feel happy because I see all of my friends and I play so many cool games.

Kushagra Dwivedi

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At school, I get to learn new stuff. I get to learn about our planet and I like to learn in all of the areas of the school.

Idris Fan

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School is so fun, all of the toys...everything is my favourite. I enjoy circle time because I love the songs in circle time.

Inna Leung

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I always play in the construction area. I learned how to build a police station, an office...anything!

Josh Li

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We get to go to the additional areas and play with everyone. I like to play in the physical area with my friends!

Theo Wong


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ESF TCK has such a high-quality team of teachers and staff who are professional and kind at the same time. What distinguishes TCK most in my opinion is the emphasis they put on children’s social-emotional intelligence development. They respect each child and create a friendly learning environment for them. My son loves going to school and has gone through a transformational growth journey during his two years at TCK

Joyce Xie

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Through their unwavering dedication, support and care, teachers at TCK have empowered our son to transform from a quiet observer to an engaged and confident learner, fostering a love for learning within him.

Agnes Wan

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The play-based learning approach at TCK has a transformative impact on children's growth and learning in all developmental domains. It is incredibly rewarding to see the children's faces light up as they engage in imaginative play, collaborate with their peers, solve problems and build foundational life skills.

Shirley Tang

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In TCK, our children are fully immersed in both English and Chinese languages. Through engaging and child-centred learning experiences, they not only enhance their language abilities but also develop social skills and various other areas of development. As a teacher, seeing children arrive at school with cheerful smiles and observing their progression as they transform into independent and capable individuals has always brought me joy.

Amanda Chen

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As a teacher at ESF Tung Chung Kindergarten, I've cultivated a passion for integrating technology into our curriculum, sparking curiosity and inquiry among our students. Through collaboration and innovative use of digital tools, we can nurture a new generation of young learners who emerge as responsible digital citizens.

Anna Kuiti


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